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- E A S Y J A C K E T
- by Marshall Cook
- My friend Russ is addicted to CD's, and once in a while he'll throw a
- sampling of his latest buys onto tape for me. The problem is that he never
- labels them. That leaves me with some great music, but no way of knowing
- who (or what) I'm listening to. Then it dawned on me, what Russ needed was
- an easy way to make cassette jackets; and EASY JACKET was born.
- Creating a new jacket is simple. When the program starts, you're
- presented with a menu of choices. Pick CREATE, and you'll be guided through
- the process as follows:
- -------------------
- EASY JACKET works particulary well with the Xetec Super-Graphics
- Printer Interface. If you want to use a font from the interface, choose
- Xetec. (You must load the font before running EASY JACKET.) Or, to use a
- different interface, choose Normal Mode. At this point you'll be shown what
- printer driver is installed and asked if it's OK. An Epson FX driver is
- included that works with Epson compatibles, but by saying No, you'll be able
- to create a driver for your own printer or load drivers you've already made.
- More on this later.
- PITCH -- If you chose Normal Mode, you'll be asked which pitch you want to
- use. The "pitch" is the amount of space between the characters. With
- Xetec, you'll automatically be given Elite pitch, which gives you more
- characters per line.
- NOISE REDUCTION -- Tell the program what type of noise reduction you used on
- the tape, from Dolby B to Dolby S to none at all.
- You'll now be prompted for the TITLE and ARTIST on side A. Just type
- these in and press RETURN. Use the DELete key if you make a mistake.
- Next you'll be asked for the list of SONGS on Side A. Again, just type
- them in and press RETURN. After entering the last song for Side A, hit
- RETURN on the next line. You'll be asked for the same information for side
- B. When you finish, you'll find yourself back at the Main Menu.
- Now you can review what you just entered. Choose REVIEW/EDIT to look
- at and change any of the data. When you're done, press BACK ARROW or the
- CRSR LEFT key.
- At this point, it's a good idea to save your jacket; so choose SAVE.
- You'll have the option of changing your current device number and/or seeing
- the current directory. When you're happy with these selections, pick SAVE
- CURRENT JACKET. Type in the name you want to give the file, and press
- Want to print your jacket? Choose PRINT from the Main Menu and one of
- two things will happen. If you previously chose Xetec interfacing, you'll
- be prompted for the font you want to use. Otherwise you'll be shown which
- printer driver is in use, and asked if it's OK. Your jacket will start
- printing after you answer the prompts.
- To print a jacket again in the future, run EASY JACKET and pick LOAD
- OLD JACKET from the Main Menu. Select LOAD from the next menu and you'll be
- presented with the names of all jackets on the current device. Use the menu
- to pick the one you want and it will be loaded for you to review and print.
- So remember, it's easy! Stop torturing your friends, and use EASY
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- A word about Printer Drivers:
- A printer driver is really nothing more than a file containing
- information on what makes your printer different from others -- its printer
- codes. For example, to make my printer use Pica type, I have to send it a
- command made up of the following series of numbers: 27 80. To accomplish
- the same thing on your printer, you might only have to send: 15. All the
- information you need is in your printer manual. To make things easier, the
- codes are usually divided up into different sections according to the kind
- of job they do -- like Character Size, Line Spacing, and Graphics. At first
- glance this stuff can look pretty scary, but its just a classic example of
- information overload. Remember, you only have to find a few codes, not
- memorize the whole thing.
- Each code is usually given in three different formats -- ASCII,
- decimal, and hexadecimal. All you need is the decimal codes. For instance,
- under Elite Pitch your book might have: ASCII = ESC :, Decimal = 27 58, and
- Hex = 1B 3A. When EASY JACKET prompts you for the Code for Elite Pitch, type
- in 27, a SPACE, and 58, then press RETURN. That's all there is to it.
- There are two other things you need to know to make your printer driver
- work -- the secondary addresses that your interface uses for Transparent
- Mode and Upper/Lower Case Mode (With Line Feed). These will be in your
- interface manual, usually in a table called Secondary Addresses. Again,
- they will be decimal numbers that you type in when prompted.
- To see how all this comes together, you can Review the Epson driver
- that's included. Say No at the 'Current Driver is Epson FX -- Proceed?'
- screen, and you'll be at the Printer Driver Menu. Choose CREATE/REVIEW,
- then REVIEW CURRENT DRIVER. This will step you through all the prompts, and
- show you what I entered to create the Epson driver. After the last prompt
- you'll have the chance to TEST the driver on your printer. If everything
- looks OK, then the Epson driver works for you, and you don't need to make a
- new one. If you're not so lucky, then you'll have to do some bookwork. In
- either case choose DON'T SAVE, and you'll be back at the main Printer Driver
- Menu. From here you can CREATE a new driver or use the back-arrow key to
- step back as far as the Main Menu. Upon SAVING or LOADING a new driver,
- EASY JACKET automatically installs it as the new default driver. The next
- time you run the program, your driver will be loaded instead of the Epson
- one.
- So don't be intimidated by your printer manual. Once you see how the
- codes work, you'll want to start using them in your own programs. But
- that's another chapter. For now, just enjoy EASY JACKET.
- MC
- FENDER'S NOTE: I found this program quite useful since I have a 90-minute
- cassette of songs written by Knees Calhoon back in the 60's and 70's. The
- jacket is saved on the disk under the filename "j.doggerel days". Check it
- out with EASY JACKET to see what kind of song titles the depraved mind of
- Calhoon has come up with. Better yet, send me $5 and I'll send you the tape
- posthaste. Don't worry, I can assure you that Knees will not receive any of
- the profits from this venture. Indeed, there are no profits. $5 will just
- cover the cost of postage, blank tapes and the nausea pills I must chew like
- M&M's while making copies of the master tape. Send check, money order or
- cash to:
- Knees Calhoon
- 443 Gladstone
- Shreveport, LA 71104
- This is not a rip-off! You will receive the tape within days. Listen to it
- at your own risk.
- **** End of Text ****